Data centers obsoleta

Proinsner’s technical knowledge in energy storage systems gives us the ability to offer data processing centers in containers  based on the integration of all conventional systems of this type of enclosure under the design of a ISO container.

In this way we offer a design that allows our clients to have a fully functional CPD with a lower time and investment than what a traditional Data Center would need. This type of containerized solutions are ideal for installations with little space availability or for projects where a solution is needed that can be transported flexibly wherever needed.

Proinsener offers its customers the integration of this prefabricated solution that has many advantages compared to traditional constructions such as flexibility, the level of personalization, cost reduction, ease of assembly, etc.


  • Refrigeration system integration. HVAC to refrigerate power servers according to the dimensions of the Data Center.
  • Secure systems. The components of this type of solutions have built-in redundancy, which increases your security.
  • Customizable. We adapt the dimensions according to the size of the equipments that are required to integrate.
  • Ancillary services. Integration of all auxiliary equipment such as luminaires, emergency luminaires, LV Panels, socket, switches, etc.
  • Fire protection systems. With different technologies we certify an extinguishing system that allows the security of the system in case of fire.